We all have a valiant voice something that our words are called to fix, called to bring life or awareness to. SO many of us have written visions we feel called to bring to life but we just don't know where to start. This was me, just a few short months ago. But following these steps brought my vision to reality. I was able to write and design my first book and completely sell out in a little over a month!!
Throughout this course we will go over the breakdown of the build up of your design of you book. Even if this is not an area you are gifted in these practical steps give you the freedom to create exclusive artwork and design to your book to give it just the right amount of design it needs if necessary.
In the course we are also going to do a rundown of the publishing/ printing process. The best and most affordable options available to you.
Share the fruit
Celebrate the completion and began to share your vision with the world.